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The Unbreakable Relationship Online Course

 This online course has been designed to teach you the principles of an unbreakable relationship so that you can get what you want effortlessly, be irresistible to your partner, and engage and inspire connected communication. This course is for both partnered and single individuals, seeking the skills to manifest your divine right partner, as well as breaking out of negative patterns that may be sabotaging your current relationship.


Apply in The Unbreakable Relationship Online Course Today

I'm here to help you create an unbreakable relationship.



Are you ready for a transformational, results-driven coaching experience shared with like-minded women who will become your sisters for life?


This e-course includes access to a private Facebook group where you're invited to attend two live coaching calls each month for three months. You'll embark on this virtual experience with other women who'll be walking the path alongside you, supporting each other on a consistent basis.


Inside this program, you'll get a life-changing set of tools and coaching around developing awareness, self-honesty, authentic communication, intimacy, and structure. You'll learn the importance of having an unbreakable relationship with yourself first and foremost, and building upon that foundation to create an extraordinary connection with your love. You'll learn how to get honest with yourself and how to communicate authentically with your partner. You'll learn the building blocks of true intimacy, and how to create a vision for your relationship together as well as structures that support your relational vision. You'll transform your relationship with your triggers and see them for what they are, ALERTS not threats.


Real love brings everything unlike itself into the light to be healed. When we embrace our triggers as opportunities to heal, repair, and realign, they become sacred messengers instead of hated foes. That concept alone is enough to help you create unimaginable miracles in your relationship. The coaching you'll receive is empowering. The tools and information provided are relevant and actionable. Clients consistently experience tangible results over time. That is guaranteed IF you are willing to do the work.


The Unbreakable Relationship e-course will lead you out of the mundane, mediocre, relationship that you settled for, to creating the luscious and juicy embarrassingly intimate, something-to-die-for relationship that you have always dreamed of!  


If you're ready to manifest miracles and unleash your most connected, aligned partnership, book a risk-free discovery call to learn how you can begin the process of transforming your relationship today.


Instead of focusing on fixing “what’s wrong with you," "what's wrong with your partner," or piling more things on your to-do list; it's about connecting to your deepest desires, and helping you and your partner to create a vision that's enlivening and inspiring for you both. It's about mastering how to magnetize what you want, be irresistible to your partner, and inspire connected communication. It's about attracting from a place of wholeness vs. demanding and manipulating based on fear. The focus is on building on the strengths and remembering why you got together in the first place. You'll get stability, support, and accountability via a virtual community that's invaluable, from the comfort of your own home.


Awareness – Authenticity - Accountability – Growth – Community – Coaching


​The soul of our work together is in discovering that there is no one “out there”. YOU are the one you have been waiting for. You are the only one who can make yourself feel whole. There is no one in this world that can do it for you. No job, no number in your bank account, no dream romantic partner, no winning lottery ticket, no number on the scale. There is NOTHING outside of yourself that can “fix” you. Healing is an inside job. When you create an unbreakable relationship with yourself and embark on that journey with other like-minded women who are doing it together you have everything you need to create unbelievable breakthroughs. The group will provide support and encouragement to one another no matter how your process is unfolding, how you look, or what's going on in your life. I am confident that you will find it to be one of the most healing and impactful experiences of your lifetime.


  • Your relationship with yourself
  • How you produce results in the world
  • Your views and perspectives around your values and your role as a woman (as shaped by experiences from the past and familial/cultural conditioning)
  • Learning to develop your intuition and how to harmonize it with your intellect
  • Healing from unresolved wounds from the past
  • How to set boundaries and engage in empowered communication that is based on love and self-respect


Enroll in The Unbreakable Relationship Online Course Today

You are a miracle in the making.

Let's stay in touch! 

I'd love to share future resources, motivational notes & guided activities with you.